Erästely Canoe & Outdoors

Arto Räsänen & Päivi Putkonen

Kivivaarantie 1, 81970 Jongunjoki, Finnland

Tel: +358(0)400 271 581

Tel: +358(0)400 916 470

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finnland flagge h12 Wir sprechen Englisch
Service canadier verleih service kajak verleih service guide service transportfahrt abholdienst service familienfreundlich Kanu Kurs Service Rafting Service Camping Service Kanu Zubehoer Einkaufen service uebernachtung huettenvermietung Service-Sauna Service-Wandertouren-Trekki

Das Erästely Canoe & Outdoors bietet neben tollen Kanutouren auch eine Vielzahl von unterschiedlichen Outdoor Aktivitäten in der finnischen Natur an. Bei Erästely Canoe & Outdoors arbeiten die Outdoor Guides Päivi Putkonen und Arto Räsänen welche sie bei der Organisation von Kanutouren, Wildnis Expeditionen, Tier Beobachtungen, Angelreisen und vielen weiteren Natur und Abenteuer Erlebnissen unterstützen könne. Das Gebiet in welchem Erästely Canoe & Outdoors liegt bietet eine fantastische Natur und teilweise pure Wildnis abgelegen von der Zivilisation.

Egal ob für Kanu Anfänger, Familien mit Kindern oder Outdoor Freaks mit langer Kanu Erfahrung, wir kennen für jede Anforderungen die richtige Kanutour in der Umgebung. Ruhige und sichere Touren für Anfänger oder doch lieber anspruchsvolle Wildwasser Kanu Trips über mehrere Tage? In jedem Falle erleben sie mit uns unvergessliche Tage in der wunderschönen finnischen Natur.

Kanutour-Finnland-Eraestely Kanu-Finnland-Eraestely-2 Kanu-Finnland-Eraestely-3 Kanu-Finnland-Eraestely-4





We´ve going to woods from 1979 years - and always found our way back. Join us! Erästely Canoe & Outdoors is a company specialicing in nature-, farm- and canoe activities, offering variety of things to enjoy of. We operate around the year in area´s of River Jongunjoki, River Ruunaa and Lake Pielinen, in eastern Finland. Were located physically in Nurmijärvi village, in an old school, where we can also offer accommodation for even bigger groups. Between three bigger "wilderness towns" Lieksa, Kuhmo and Nurmes, you will find large wilderness areas, with forests cut by rivers and streams, paths to walk on, log cabins and shelters of many types, from simple lean - to´s to every-mans-right open cabins. And we are here to help you with planning of your trip and executing it as agreed.

We, wilderness guides Arto Räsänen and Päivi Putkonen, plus other assistant guides, also offer consulting, training and trips, tailor-made based on your needs.


Base Camp Erästely Canoe & Outdoors:

Kivivaarantie 1, 81970, Finnland


 Canoe rentals and Tour operators. Possible services



Service canadier verleih

 You can rent a (Canadian) canoe

service kajak verleih You can rent a kayak
service guide Guided canoe trips are possible. service transportfahrt abholdienst Shuttle service. Canoe- Shuttle. Transport service. Pick up service available to be picked up or bring up at certain points
service camping A camp ground with sanitary facilities available service uebernachtung huettenvermietung It is possible to rent a cabin or a Stugor. Possibly even a single room.
service essen The canoe rental also offers food and drinks.
service angeln There are also fishing trips available or it is possible to rent fishing equipment
service hundeschlitten touren The canoe rental companies also offer dog sled tours service weitere outdoor angebote Other outdoor activities like Archery, elk safaris are also offered
service familienfreundlich Family- friendly canoe tours are known. Also suitable for children. Kanu Kurs Canoeing courses in the program. Introduction to basic paddling techniques for beginners as well as advanced users.
Service Rafting The organizer also offers rafting trips. Rafting groups by appointment Service Kanu Zubehoer Einkaufen It is possible to buy canoeing, kayaking and outdoor accessories.
Service Wasserflugzeug It is possible that flights by seaplane can be organized. Transport of canoes by appointment. Service Hubschrauber Organisation of helicopter flying. Transport to remote rivers and lakes for canoeing, fishing and rafting trips.
Service-Angeltouren Fishing tours (on request also guided) could be organized. Fishing lessons. Fishing licenses on request Service-Langlauf-Skitouren Cross-country skiing and ski tours can be carried out. On request, equipment rental.
Service-Moutainbike-Fahrrad Bicycles can be rented. Bicycle tours for mountain bikes are known.
Service-Wandertouren-Trekki Hiking and trekking. Walking tours are close to the canoe rental area.
Service-Sauna Sauna is available at the base camp or in the rentable cabins. Service-Schneeschuhlaufen Special snowshoe tours possible. With known guide or stretching.
Stand Up Paddling SUP Stand Up Paddling - SUP. Equipment availiable Packrafting Dienstleisung Packrafting - Tours and equipment availiable

Contacting the canoe rental. Following languages are possible, spoken by the tour operators:

We speak Swedish We speak English We speak Norwegian We speak German We speak French We speak Finish


You are a tour operator and want to add your canoe rental to the list above? Please send us a message by using the  Contact form.